
Please reach us through OmicsForum. Your questions and our answers will benefit other users of MetaboAnalyst.

  • Have you read the FAQs, Data Format and Tutorials?
    These resources provide detailed explanations for common questions received from users. Please first go through these resources as listed on the left bar.
  • Have you tried our example data to see if the issue still exists?
    Most of the time, the issue is related to improper data format. Although we try to give informative error messages during the data uploading stage, there are always exceptions. Here are three tips:
    1. Open your file in a text editor (not a spreadsheet program) to see the details - are these values comma separated (.csv) or tab separated (.txt)?
    2. You may need to search "How to save my file in a .csv format" to get more detailed instructions;
    3. We offered a wide variety of example datasets, please choose the one that matches your data type to see if the issue still appears. Download and open the data in a text editor for details.
  • Did you provide enough details so that the issue can be reproduced?
    Remote troubleshooting requires more information in order to figure out the exact cause of the issue. Please
    1. Indicate which example data you used, or provide a copy of your data
    2. Document all steps leading to the issue. Sometimes screenshots may be necessary
  • Support for new features
    Bugs are usually dealt with immediately (or within 3 days) once we have received and validated the bug report. New features will be evaluated based on the overall feedback from other users. Top ranked features will be added as minor release (3-month or 6-month period) depending on the available resources.
NSERC CRC TMIC CFI Genome Canada Genome Quebec NIH