Update History:
Users can now customize the font/label size in PCA/PLS-DA scores plots (11/24/2023);
Added support for enrichment analysis on ~3700 metabolomics pathways from RaMP in Enrichment Analysis module (11/09/2023);
Users can directly upload Metabolon data sheet in Statistics, Pathway, Enrichment, and Biomarker analysis modules (09/08/2023);
Enhanced support for metadata table integrity check based on user feedback from OmicsForum (08/18/2023);
Added a checkbox to allow users to explicitly specify group order in Data Editor (07/22/2023);
Enhanced error messages for data upload format check; fixed the issue with figure legend in 3D scatter plot (06/22/2023);
Enhanced result table download for mummichog and covariate adjustment analysis (04/30/2023);
Feature enhancement to improve performance and visualization for complex large data based on user feedback from OmicsForum (03/15/2023);
Enhanced linear models with covariate adjustments (Statistical Analysis [metadata table] module) to better support different study designs (02/13/2023);
Enhanced support for metadata table integrity check based on user feedback from OmicsForum (08/18/2023);
Fixed issues in SSP (single sample profiling) and SMPDB pathway view (07/30/2023);
Added a checkbox to allow users to explicitly specify group order in Data Editor (07/22/2023);
Enhanced error message for data upload format check; fixed the issue with figure legend in 3D scatter plot (06/22/2023);
Enhanced result table download for mummichog and covariate adjustment analysis (04/30/2023);
Minor bug fixes and feature enhancements based on user feedback from OmicsForum (04/06/2023);
Upgraded the interactive 3D scatter plot for PCA, PLSDA and sPLSDA visual exploration (03/19/2023);
Feature enhancement to improve performance and visualization for complex large data based on user feedback from OmicsForum (03/15/2023);
Enhanced linear models with covariate adjustments (Statistical Analysis [metadata table] module) to better support different study designs (02/13/2023);
Fixed minor issues and improved documentation based on user feedback from the MetaboAnalystR GitHub (11/08/2022);
Upgraded to Prime Faces 12.0.0; (10/12/2022);
Fixed an issue with mini-heatmap display in Sig. Feature view (Biomarker Module) (09/26/2022);
Enhanced enrichment analysis using reference metabolome for targeted metabolomics based on user feedback (09/09/2022);
Enhanced ANOVA to better support more complex design in Statistics (metadata table) module (09/02/2022);
Users can manually re-order groups for heatmap visualization in Statistics (one factor) module (08/29/2022)
Updated all tutorials based on the latest version (07/12/2022);
We are happy to introduce User Forum. Please use it for all queries and support related to MetaboAnalyst (06/14/2022);
Fixed the issue in plotting threshold line for t-test result (06/06/2022);
Enhanced error messages for metadata file upload (05/28/2022);
Upgraded R version to 4.1.3. Please let us know if you notice any functions stop working (05/14/2022);
Added options for adjusting font size and legend display in heatmap visualization (05/02/2022);
Fixed the legend issue for PCA pair plot (03/31/2022);
Updated the PDF report generation for the Statistical Analysis [metadata table] module (03/01/2022);
Added null check and error message when users forget to upload a file (03/25/2022);
Enhanced support for data containing empty columns and better error messages for time series analysis (01/28/2022);
Check out our updated documentation for MetaboAnalystR 3.2 release (12/20/2021);
Enhanced feature box plot visualization based on user feedback; (12/15/2021)
Upgraded the web framework to PrimeFaces v11; (12/10/2021)
Users can now perform partial correlation analysis in our Statistical Analysis [metadata table] module; (12/03/2021)
Enhanced volcano plot for download; users can now specify which features to label by clicking on the data points (12/03/2021);
Users can now download network view as as a high-resolution PNG image (12/01/2021);
Updated user traffic for the last five years (11/19/2021);
Some minor issue (DSPC) fixes, and feature enhancement for Biomarker Analysis Tester track (11/12/2021);
Enhanced results for Raw Spectra Processing module to enable more informative data exploration (10/06/2021);
Replaced the Venn Diagrams with interactive UpSet plots for summarizing meta-analysis results (10/01/2021);
Upgraded Two-Factor/Time-Series module to Statistical Analysis [metadata table] to support complex metadata in clinical, epidemiological or environmental studies (09/12/2021);
Joint-Pathway Analysis module now supports integrating untargeted metabolomics (peak list) with transcriptomics (gene list) for functional analysis (09/10/2021);
Comprehensive interface refactoring and enhancements (08/12/2021);
Code refactoring (meta-mummichog) and fixed missing value issue for functional enrichment analysis (08/09/2021);
Improved size calculation for heatmap visualization in Statistics module (08/05/2021);
Added support for VIP plot for Orthogonal Partial Least-Squares (OPLS) in Statistics module (07/15/2021);
Minor bug fixes based on user feedback (05/31/2021);
Improved functional meta-analysis data upload page for more flexible data processing (04/27/2021);
Fixed the issue with synchronized 3D scatter plots for scores and loadings (04/12/2021);
Fixed the issue for multi-group figure legend (04/06/2021);
Upgraded to Primefaces 10 (03/31/2021);
Minor bug fix and code refactoring for better performance (03/15/2021);
Added support for merging technical replicates with different mathematical models and QC measures (02/18/2021);
Updated KEGG IDs in internal compound databases (02/09/2021);
Enhanced name handling to better accommodate special characters in compound/lipid names (02/09/2021);
Fixed performance issue related to DSPC (02/01/2021);
Added seven tutorials introducing new features in MetaboAnalyst 5.0 (01/15/2021);
Users can perform meta-analysis of global metabolomics data as illustrated in our COVID-19 paper (01/09/2021);
Updated the KEGG global metabolic map for better metabolome coverage (01/08/2021);
Minor bug fixes and feature enhancements based on user feedback (01/06/2021);
Users can now enter Study IDs to analyze data deposited in the Metabolomics Workbench (12/20/2020);
Added a new module - Functional Meta-analysis to allow integrating global metabolomics data at pathway or peak levels (12/15/2020);
Users can Start New Journey from the Download page at the end of analysis session. (12/14/2020);
Expanded compound database for lipids (>150,000 lipids) together with a smart compound name matching algorithm (12/10/2020);
Upgraded main interactive plots; enhanced Enrichment module and Pathway Analysis module (12/07/2020);
Enhanced underlying compound database for lipids (>150 000 lipids now supported!) + implemented a smart compound name matching algorithm (12/10/2020);
Fixed volcano plot issue in large data analysis (11/30/2020);
Enhanced support for lipids (name mapping and metabolite set analysis) in the Enrichment Analysis module (11/24/2020);
Added interactive heatmaps support for Pathway Analysis to allow enrichment tests on any clustered features (11/18/2020);
Added support for Debiased Sparse Partial Correlation (DSPC) network analysis in Network Explorer module (10/15/2020);
Enhanced support for peak-table upload in MS Peaks to Paths (10/08/2020);
Updated internal compound database (10/08/2020);
Bug fix for KO-mapping in the Network Explorer Module (09/28/2020);
Added disease-associated fecal metabolite set to the Enrichment Analysis module (09/28/2020);
Enhanced pathway results table for MS Peaks to Paths (09/22/2020);
Minor bug fixes (heatmaps, enrichment analysis, etc) based on user feedback (09/17/2020);
Updated R from 3.6.2 to 4.0.2 (09/14/2020);
Fixed the ANOVA issue (09/07/2020);
Added 10 metabolite sets to the MS Peaks to Paths Module (08/28/2020);
Updated clustering graphics (k-means and SOM) (08/27/2020);
Added chemical class metabolite sets to the Enrichment Analysis module (08/24/2020);
Code refactoring and interface updates for better experience (08/17/2020);
MetaboAnalyst image now added to Docker Hub (08/05/2020);
Check out our new MS Spectra Processing module for optimized LC-MS spectra processing (07/03/2020);
Users can now click Details Table
to directly update feature names for graphical display (07/02/2020);
Users can now use Graphics Center
to specify colors and shapes for key images (07/02/2020);
The default missing values are now replaced by 1/5 of min positive values of their corresponding variables (06/29/2020);
Added a step-by-step tutorial for MetaboAnalystR 3.0 (05/08/2020); ;
Check out our MetaboAnalystR 3.0 featuring three key improvements for optimized global metabolomics (05/03/2020);
Users can now upload mzTab 2.0-M files to the Statistical Analysis module (04/22/2020);
Updated Java (from Java8 to Java11) and Primefaces (from PF7 to PF8) (04/08/2020);
Updated gene mapping database for integrative analysis (03/31/2020);
Fixed I/O issue for zip file upload (03/10/2020);
Users can now customize currency metabolites or adducts for Peaks to Pathway module (02/07/2020);
Fixed bug in specifying different colors using Image Options (01/08/2020);
Updated the KEGG pathway libraries for Peak to Pathway (mummichog) module (01/03/2020);
Enhanced I/O support for mummichog data upload; fixed log10 (instead of log) for visualization (12/18/2019);
Fixed broken links for network analysis (12/05/2019);
Fixed the name mapping issue (11/25/2019);
Fixed the issue with SVG export for 3D interactive PCA plot in time-series / two-factor analysis module (11/15/2019);
Both the database and algorithm are updated for Joint Pathway Analysis (11/11/2019);
Updated KEGG pathways for Pathway Analysis and Enrichment Analysis modules (10/30/2019);
Updated R from 3.5.1 to the latest version 3.6.1 (10/16/2019);
Our latest protocols on using MetaboAnalyst 4.0 is now available (09/21/2019);
Users can upload MS peak intensity tables and test enriched pathways for any peak cluster of interest (MS Peaks to Pathways) (09/13/2019);
Enhanced enrichment network view for metabolite set enrichment analysis (06/25/2019);
Added mixed mode support to allow combining peaks from both postive and negative ion modes (MS peaks to pathways) (06/10/2019);
Enhanced the summary plot for individual metabolite set in Enrichment Analysis module (04/23/2019);
Enhanced support for various input formats and added interactive result summary for MS Peaks to Pathways module (04/10/2019);
Added support for synchronized 3D visual exploration for PCA/PLS-DA scores and loading plots (04/07/2019);
Added support for the GSEA algorithm (MS Peaks to Pathways) (03/22/2019);
The download table in compound ID conversion now contains SMILES (03/15/2019);
Enhanced ID mapping for KEGG compounds (03/11/2019);
Enhanced KEGG pathway generation to address the occasional failure issue during peak time (01/24/2019);
Fixed the issue for compound view in Pathway Analysis module (01/07/2019);
Enhanced support for parsing data input and data editing (01/02/2019);
Updated Joint Pathway Analysis module to be consistent with Pathway Analysis (12/21/2018);
Fixed the issue with data filtering (12/18/2018);
Upgraded R to version 3.5.1 (12/12/2018);
Enhanced error handling for the Mummichog Analysis module (11/15/2018);
Upgraded to HTTPs for more secure communications (11/05/2018);
Enhanced graphics for scores and loadings plots in chemometrics methods (10/06/2018);
Enhanced visualization for SMPDB pathways (09/28/2018);
Minor interface enhancement based on user feedback (09/11/2018);
Fixed the issue with mummichog p value computing (08/03/2018);
Updated to Primefaces 6.2 (07/13/2018);
Fixed issue with name mapping in enrichment analysis (06/28/2018);
Fixed issue with pathway visualization (06/18/2018);
Enhanced pathway image generation to deal with concurrency issue (06/13/2018);
Fixed the issues for name mapping and node-click interactions in pathway visualization (06/12/2018);
Fixed the issue in the downloaded CSV file generated during name mapping (06/10/2018);
Fixed the issue for data editor in biomarker analysis (05/28/2018);
Fixed the issue for sample hold-out analysis in biomarker analysis (04/23/2018);
Fixed the issue with time-series group ordering based on numeric values (04/19/2018);
Enhanced support for SVG export for KEGG global network (04/04/2018);
Updated Resources on various local installation options including Docker (03/10/2018);
Minor bug fixes and feature enhancements based on user feedback (02/20/2018);
Updated tutorial and FAQs for the new modules (02/09/2018);
Release of MetaboAnalyst 4.0 togehter with a companion R package MetaboAnalystR.
You can still access version 3.0 here (01/29/2018);
Updated interface for module selection (01/22/2018);
Updated compound libraries based on the lastest HMDB (v4.0) (01/18/2018);
Added a new module for network-based integrative analysis for metabolites, genes (including KEGG Orthologs from metagenomics studies) (01/12/2018);
Added a new module for meta-analysis for multiple metabolomics data sets for robust biomarker identification (01/08/2018);
Added a new module for pathway enrichment analysis for untargeted metabolomics (mummichog) (12/20/2017);
Minor bug fixes and interface improvements based on user feedback (12/20/2017);
Added support for interactive enrichment network and SVG export (12/15/2017);
Minor bug fixes and interface improvements based on user feedback (12/07/2017);
Enhanced PLS-DA for multiple-group analysis (10/13/2017);
Fixed the broken link for downloading MetaboAnalyst.war file (09/20/2017);
Fixed the issue for PLS-DA on paired samples (09/14/2017);
Enhanced support for Feature Selection for large data in Biomarker Tester (08/12/2017);
The downloaded correlation matrix is now synchronized with current clustering (08/07/2017);
Fixed the bug for computing ASCA permutation (07/27/2017);
Doubled the max allowed feature numbers for untargeted metabolomics (06/27/2017);
Updated random forest methods to control randomness (06/27/2017);
Fixed bug for ANOVA analysis for multiple groups when peak lists files are uploaded (06/15/2017);
Added support for heatmap generation on group averages and correlation analysis for either features or samples (06/10/2017);
Updated univariate analysis (ANOVA, t-tests, Volcano plot) for FDR-adjusted p values (05/12/2017);
Code refactoring for better peroformance (04/12/2017);
Added support for peak filtering based on QC samples for untargeted metabolomics (03/10/2017);
Added support for "flipping" PCA for cross-study comparison (02/09/2017);
Added support for network summary of enrichment analysis result (02/06/2017);
Fixed the bug in feature table display in Biomarker Tester module (01/05/2017);
Updated pathway result table to show all pathway compounds (with hits highlighted) (11/25/2016);
Improved Normalization and Data Editor for better user experience (11/15/2016);
Added support for sparse PLS-DA analysis (10/28/2016);
Minor bug fix and performance tuning (09/15/2016);
Fixed the issue for t-tests plotting (09/09/2016);
Added support for quantile normalization (08/29/2016);
Improved name mapping functions for common metabolite names (08/18/2016)
Joint-pathway analysis was back to work (08/01/2016)
Updated PCA to perform default data centering (07/28/2016)
Code refactoring to improve memory efficiency (07/20/2016)
More than 1 million jobs have been processed since 06/2015 (06/15/2016)
Updated Time Series module to support analysis of time-series only data (06/08/2016);
Added support for Orthogonal PLS-DA (05/16/2016);
Improved support for dealing with special characters and punctuations (05/11/2016);
Added support for batch effect correction for multiple data sets
(Other Utilities module) (02/22/2016);
Upgraded the web framework for better performance (02/18/2016);
Updated the Google Cloud server for improved performance (10/30/2015);
Added support for detailed ROC curve analysis of individual biomakers (10/29/2015);
Several feature improvements and bug fixes based on user feedback (10/16/2015);
Added support for logistic regression in ROC Tester (08/12/2015);
Added support for computing compound ratios in biomarker analysis (08/03/2015);
Minor bug fixes and feature enhancements (data IO, PLS-DA, enrichment analysis) to deal with special cases in user inputs (07/20/2015);
Updated Multivariate Biomarker Analysis module with flexible interface and improved capacity for computing on large datasets (06/05/2015);
MetaboAnalyst now has its logo image (top right) (05/15/2015)
MetaboAnalyst 3.0 paper is now available on the
2015 NAR web server issue
Users can now specify symbols in the PCA/PLSDA scores plots (under Image options - previous Color picker) (04/20/2015)
The loading plots in PCA and PLS-DA are now clickable and zoomable (04/02/2015)
T-tests and ANOVA results, as well as volcano plot are now interactive and zoomable (03/31/2015)
Updated heatmaps to support both overview and high resolution details view (03/25/2015)
Users can now upload either tab delimited file (.txt) or csv file (03/20/2015)
Updated data filter to permit feature-specific normalization on low variance features (03/19/2015)
Updated dendrogram for better visualization and minor bug fixes (03/14/2015)
Bug fixes for feature-specific normalization and fold changes analysis (03/13/2015)
Minor bug fixes for two factor and time-series data analysis (03/04/2015)
Enhanced support on building biomarker models for predicting new samples under ROC Tester (02/06/2015);
Updated the confidence interval graphics for PCA, PLSDA and ROC curves; (01/06/2015)
Updated the Heatmaps function for better visualization of large data; (12/22/2014)
Added a new module for Integrated Pathway Analysis on genes and metabolites that have changed
significantly under the same experimental conditions; (12/17/2014)
Added a new module for Biomarker Analysis; (12/12/2014)
Added sorting and filtering support in the feature details table; (11/12/2014)
Fixed a bug on broken functions after missing value imputation; (11/10/2014)
PCA and PLSDA 3D plots now are interactive; (10/31/2014)
A new module (Power Analysis) is added to support sample size and power analysis
for pilot metabolomic studies; (10/30/2014)
Added Compound ID conversion support (under Other Utilities); (10/24/2014)
Added support for uploading custom metabolite sets and custom metabolome in
Enrichment and Pathway analyses; (10/20/2014)
Fixed the dialog issue in compound name mapping; (10/17/2014)
Added support for labeling PCA/PLSDA loadings plot; (10/09/2014)
Added pathway analysis support for Schistosoma mansoni, Malaria, Trypanosoma brucei and
Synechococcus elongatus; (09/30/2014)
Updated compound name mapping algorithm for improved performance; (09/29/2014)
Updated compound and pathway IDs based on the latest HMDB and SMPDB; (09/12/2014)
Users can now edit or re-order groups under Data Editor page; (08/26/2014)
Updated FAQs for recent changes; (08/08/2014)
Added a new tutorial on raw spectra processing using XCMS for MetaboAnalyst; (08/04/2014)
Completely upgraded the web application framework for better performance and user experience; (07/28/2014)
Fixed color reversing issue with PLS-DA VIP plot; (07/15/2014)
Updated two-way ANOVA for repeated measures; (06/05/2014)
Updated VIP plot for supporting black and white colors; (02/05/2014)
Added nonparametric version for t-tests and ANOVA, and minor bug fix; (02/22/2013)
Added support for heatmaps on grayscale; added link to download the underlying matrix
for correlation heatmaps. (08/25/2012)
Presentation at the 8th Metabolomics Conference at Washington DC is available under Tutorial; (07/04/2012)
Updated Data Filtering and Data Normalization procedures; (07/03/2012)
Updated compound database; (06/22/2012)
Updated correlation heatmap analysis; (05/27/2012)
Pathway analysis now supports Mesorhizobium loti and Gallus gallus (chicken); (05/10/2012)
Minor bug fix and updates; (03/29/2012)
Pathway analysis now supports Gallus gallus (chicken); (03/18/2012)
Fixed missing link to high-resolution images generated for pathways. (03/03/2012)
Updated correlation heatmaps and some minor bug fixes. (02/16/2012)
Minor update and bug fix; (01/05/2012)
Added a new module for data quality check - available at QC and Other Utilities tab on the data upload
All important images can be reproduced in high resolution (150/300/600 DPI) in
PNG, TIFF, PostScript, SVG, or PDF format. Just click the
above each image! (12/31/2011);
Updated Bioconductor to the latest version (2.9) and performed compatibility tests(12/17/2011);
Upgraded R to the latest version (2.14.0) and some visual enhancement (11/26/2011);
Added correlation heatmap visualization feature (under correlation node, 10/08/2011);
Enhanced support for univariate analysis and minor bug fixes (09/14/2011);
Minor bug fixes and some visual improvements (08/10/2011);
Updated graphical output for PLS-DA VIP plot (07/23/2011);
Minor bug fixes and some visual improvements (06/23/2011);
Added a new module for two-factor and time-series data analysis (05/12/2011);
MetaboAnalyst is featured on Nature Protocols (05/10/2011)
Enhanced support for Heatmap generation (03/03/2011);
Added two normalization methods - normalization to sample median and quantile normalization
based on recent publications (02/26/2011);
Added an Outlier detection tab for data analysis using Random Forest (02/08/2011);
Added a Color picker (under Processing node) for setting colors for figures (02/07/2011);
Fixed several broken functions based on user feedback (02/06/2011);
Improved message output and minor bug fix due to some package updates (02/02/2011);
Added a Data filter function for large data with many noisy features (02/02/2011);
All significant features are now available as text files in the Download page (02/01/2011);
Fixed the issue with reading CSV files generated by Miscrosoft Excel (12/6/2010);
MetaboAnalyst server has been upgraded, let us know if you experience any problems (12/5/2010);
PLS-DA now calculates R2 and Q2 values in the Cross Validation section. (09/28/2010);
Upgraded unzip function to better support files created with WinZip (09/27/2010);
Fixed the image update issue associated with the new server (09/18/2010);
MetaboAnalyst is now hosted on a dedicated new, powerful server (09/12/2010);
Added support for applying a reference metabolome for enrichment analysis and pathway analysis. (09/08/2010);
Added Correlation Analysis to identify significant features with patterns of interests (09/05/2010);
MetaboAnalyst now supports metabolite set enrichment analysis and pathway analysis (09/01/2010);
Updated the error tracking system (07/18/2010);
High resolution (300 dpi) images are available for score or loadings plots from PCA and PLSDA analysis (07/17/2010);
PLSDA permutation test now supports multi-group data (07/14/2010);
Updated the pathway library to use SMPDB (07/13/2010);
Improved 3D visualization for PCA and PLSDA results (07/12/2010);
MetaboAnalyst was presented on the the Metabolomics Conference 2010 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
(download slides)(07/09/2010);
Fixed the data upload problem encountered for transposed data (samples in columns, features in rows)
and for paired comparison (07/07/2010) ;
Bug fix: Color inconsistencies b/w the confidence ellipses and sample class labels (used in PCA abd PLS-DA 2D plot)(06/17/2010) ;
Updated the interface for zip file upload to support multiple-group analysis of peak lists and spectra data (06/15/2010) ;
Introducing Data Editor to support samples/features exclusion (i.e. outliers) during analysis (06/14/2010) ;
Updated documentations and reports for multi-group analysis (06/11/2010) ;
Added a new function - Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and associated post-hoc methods for multi-group
analysis (06/10/2010) ;
Enhanced PLS-DA support for multi-group analysis (06/05/2010);
MetaboAnalyst now supports data analysis for more than two groups.
For data collected from human or other mammalian species, you may also want to visit our
new web application MSEA (http://www.msea.ca) for more advanced data analysis.
Improved graphics for PCA and PLSDA result (03/21/2010);
MetaboAnalyst is now hosted on a new and powerful server (01/31/2010);
Fixed t-tests errors on constant values (01/31/2010);
Added functions to plot 2D confidence regions for PCA and PLS-DA scores plots (12/12/2009);
MetaboAnalyst tutorial presented on the Metabolomics Conference 2009 (Edmonton, Canada)
(download slides)(09/12/2009);
MetaboAnalyst is now hosted on Tomcat (02/06/2009);
PLS-DA now provides p value based on permutations (20/05/2009);
Integrity check added for sample/feature names (28/05/2009);
High-resolution images for heatmap and dendrogram are available (15/05/2009);
Improved function for unzipping compressed data (.zip) (10/05/2009);